Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Accidental Gardener

For the month of August the Recipe Box Swap is Garden Fresh. We have one plant in our accidental garden, a tomato plant that has gone hog wild! So this summer we have made several times this yummy recipe I found on Pioneer Woman's site, it calls for zucchini and tomatoes (which we have in abundance). To find the recipe click here , trust me you'll love it!
Two summers ago we thought creating a compost area would be a good idea, well we have lots of good ideas around our house. We were dedicated for a while, but alas we lost all ambition to compost. The following summer we noticed a tomato looking weed growing in the old compost pile. We let it grow and sure enough it was a Tomato! It actually grew many yummy tomato's.
This year instead of waiting for fate to plant us a garden we planted our own tomato plant and have been blessed with oodles of yummy little tomatoes. My type of garden.

1 comment:

randi said...

Zucchini and tomatoes are the best! Thanks for the link!

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