Wednesday, June 11, 2008


"Dadda you are Super Man" That is what Hannah-nanna said to Duane awhile back as they sat toghether on the sofa, and it suits him quite well. After his last scan the oncologist said that all the cancer seems to be dead, so Duane is now living his life to its fullest. Dance recitals(video coming soon), softball, charity events and even a little radio interview, he wants to do it ALL. Most important though he is the best Dad and Husband! We love him, Happy Fathers Day babe!

Duane's a little sore but having a blast at being the worst softball player on the church team. Does he care? Nah! That's Duane, he is just enjoying everything he can. He has made a few great plays, according to me or course! Peanuts and CrackerJacks anyone?

Haven't you ever marveled how life can change so quickly! Seven months ago I never would have dreamed Duane would be participating in everything he has done these last few weeks. It all started with Duane walking the survivors lap at Tulsa's Relay for Life, the American Cancer Societies annual fundraiser for cancer research. What a thrilling experience to walk with so many cancer survivors, 6 years old on up. Truely inspiring! Duane has taught me so much about endurance, forget Tiger Woods, Nike needs Duane as there next spokesperson for "Just Do IT"


Lisa said...

You've got that right! Duane would definitely be an inspiring Nike ad.

Real Life Roberts said...

He is so inspiring! I love the live life to the fullest theme! You are a great role model family! Oh the dancing was fabulous... you have to be very comfortable in your skin to do that...I loved it!

Each day to live....

Finding the little things in the day that make me smile.

Duane's last Dance

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