Winter storm preparation
what you get when momma prepares for snowmagedan, a great big tub of cheeseballs
Noun 1.A Mom with seven kids and one fat pug. 2. Crazy, wild, loud, loving, forever
Because Emma was "planting" her leaves and sticks wanting a tree to grow. Smile and wash her up, what else can a mom do?
Finally enough snow to make a proper snow angel. The day is now complete, well add some hot chocolate, now it's complete.
Even the pug goes to the fridge and stares. Actually we hide our OCD dogs chew toys in the fridge, he's just a little nuts-o. Definitely a Summers family pet.
Because when Jack brought home this well intended energy saving gift the comments from my children was hysterical. Al Gore thanks for being the butt of our jokes last night, it was a blast!! Now to teach my little mongrels that energy conservation can save some money on the utilities.
Because this sweet request made me smile, "Jack will you lift me up so I can sit by the window? " She giggled with delight as they sat by the window together.